
Conference: Bridges Between Parallel Paths – Arabic-Islamic and Latin Christian Medieval Philosophies

Our conference brings together scholars working on the Islamic-Arabic, and Latin Christian tradition. While these two traditions are closely connected through a shared textual basis and theological interests, often addressing the same set of philosophical issues, current scholarship on them has been somewhat segregated. The conference aims to build a bridge between the two scholarly communities. Our approach was to identify a broad set of issues, ranging from ethics to natural philosophy to metaphysics, and invite scholars from both traditions working on the particular theme. This means that the issue can showcase the best research on the given topic in both fields, while also ensuring that the approaches engage with each other in a meaningful way. The conference may be interesting to scholars working in both traditions, as well as to the wider philosophical community by providing an example of “global philosophy” done well.


I’m currently coordinating the History of Philosophy Cluster at King’s, including our Seminar Series (King’s History of Philosophy Seminars, a.k.a. KHOPS). This semester’s schedule can be found on our webpage.

Past events I have been involved in organizing (apart from the Virtual Paleography Group):

Conference: Late Medieval Hylomorphism – Matter and Form, 1300–1600.

A conference that brings together scholars working various issues of hylomorphism from the early fourteenth to the early seventeenth century.

KUL-CoMP: the KU Leuven Colloquia in Medieval Philosophy

In the footsteps of the highly successful MeLO seminar series, the KU Leuven Colloquia in Medieval Philosophy is a hybrid forum that aims to foster networking and collaboration especially among early-career scholars in medieval philosophy.

The seminar meets once month, in a hybrid format (on Zoom as well as in person at KU Leuven) to discuss a pre-read paper, in any area of medieval thought (roughly in the time period between 500–1700, East or West). Presenters give a brief, 10-minute summary, usually supplying the readers with some context of the paper, after which we devote the remaining time to discussion and general feedback. We welcome works in progress at every stage of their completion.

Knowability and the Limits of Knowledge

A closing workshop for the MeLO seminar series.

Women On Medieval Philosophy

A conference for especially early-career women working in medieval philosophy.

Workshop in Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy

A one-day workshop at Fordham University, NYC, intended to provide academic and networking opportunities for early career women working in Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy.

Workshops in Philosophy of Religion

A workshop series with invited speakers working in the Philosophy of Religion.